Business Intelligence
1. Data Mining
This is the first stage in the web development life cycle. A proper discussion and analysis are done with regards to the aim and objectives of the client business and the target customers. Our aim is not just to get the website done but to build it with a thought so that it aligns with the objectives of the client business and rework can be ignored in the future.
Whether the site should be of static or dynamic in nature is decided based on the requirement & complexity involved.
A lot of discussions should happen at this phase & end result is the creation of sitemap & wireframe.
2. Online Analytical Processing
Once the sitemap & wireframe is approved, it’s time to design the look and feel of the site. Considering the UX (User Experience) is very important at this stage. It’s also important to consider the site colors and the company logo to strengthen the brand identity of your company on the website.
Whether the client is already having the necessary resources like the logo, images or videos should be checked or else everything should be created fresh.
Here, the web designer will create prototypes of the site and it is normally .jpg image. The client can express the likes and dislikes on the given prototype & changes will be done accordingly.
3. Business Intelligence Tools
Contents can be either copied from the site if it exists or our professional content writers can write industry specific and relevant contents for the site. The type of content could be either simple text, images or videos.
It is important to know the contents of the site before HTML development so that the contents can be laid out in a user-friendly and professional way.